I saw Rist’s exhibition ‘Sip my ocean’ at the MCA in Sydney and I have got to say it was my favourite single artist exhibition up until I saw Rone ‘Empire’ a couple of years later. Full of sensuousness, beauty and wonder. Joyful, playful and colourful it was impossible to not be filled with delight plunging into her imaginative world. I lounged in her bed with a psychedelic projection of an underworld of ocean and sea life and an other world of galaxies swirling over me.

Pippilottis Rist's 'Sip my ocean' installation at the MCA, Sydney (Nov 2018 - Feb 2018)
Pippiloti Rist makes experimental video to engage and delight the senses of the viewer, exploring the relationship between nature, the body and technology. The way the artist uses movement, time and colour are of interest to me. The techniques she uses to achieve engaging, sensuous, delightful and playful imaginative worlds are pertinent to my work. The way in which she engages an audience visually through moving images is translatable to the still image. Even her titles. Intriguing, inviting and sensuous.

Installation of 'Ever is Over All', 1996 at the MCA (above) and still (below)

I am particularly interested the work ‘Ever is Over All’. Slow motion overlapping (moving) images of a young woman in a turquoise flowing frock and sparkling red shoes walking down a street and casually smashing car windows. There is a playful and slapstick element to this work which is, in a way, a protest piece.