These are JUST experiments. I pretty much banned the idea of any 'output' this entire weekend so I could take the time to do heaps of LinkedIn Learning and just play, with no pressure. But I ended up learning a lot about blending and actually found an aesthetic I'd like as a touchstone for this project.
My supervisor had said the 2 chair girls I'd put in (because I really like the one looking to camera also and I wanted to hear what other's thought in review...out of the two) should be looking at each other. I dont get why, at all. I will re-shoot it and try and capture shadows or at least get an idea of what the shadows are to replicate.
The most useful was blending techniques, like compositing and shadows, there seems so many ways to do this. Its quite confusing and think it will take a while to be able to easily choose the techniques. After this one below, I learned how to paint the overlay out of the bed.

Now here below is my favourite. This is an idea I'd had from my dreams, the bed was actually in grass but another image was in water. It is this or the one with the overlay & water I would like as a guiding aesthetic for the work

Hehe....compositing my laneway into the background (to get an inside / out idea) was my last Saturday night, so I put notes for sunday

I really like this one, but is it too much? does the night / day thing work? I think it does, as it makes it more surreal.

This below was really an initial play with shadows. There were so many ways to do them, painting, masking & drop shadows that I thought it best to do the learning and choose the appropriate method for that purpose.

I'd found this dollhouse and played around with the idea of compositing me into it, then it into the room. Sizing wasn't right, was too boring and a bit too 'comical' by itself.

I also did what I think is a better way of masking, having both images in the one file and moving to get the light right. Its not too bad. I'm not big on the hard edge of the right side linen, nor the valence shadow, but I can finesse this after now, now that I'm doing everything in the one file.

Anyway, I tried double exposing with my (real) window...over the dollhouse

And other scenes behind it. Doesn't work because of the light.

Really like the color and how you manage the single into a whole story!!