I am doing my internship, as part of my Masters of Photography at this same department at RMIT. I feel pretty lucky and thankful to be given the opportunity and don't know whether I want to go in to academia, yet am grateful for any practical experience and I really believe when you are getting into an industry you maximise your options and this brings out what you are actually good at.
I am doing the 1st six weeks retrospectively in this journal, from my hard copy journal.
I started the internship on the 2nd December. I learned about the learning management system (LMS) and went through the course guide. The course is ‘Imaging Technologies 3 (2110)’ and the course code is COSC2374.
The course guide is what has been approved by RMIT. I have been added as staff so can see the unpublished modules and can add to these. The information (in blue) is Tyler’s (Tyler Payne) changes to Alison’s (Alison Bennet) original.
Most of the modules are pages but there are also assignments and discussions. To edit the pages you must be in ‘rich content’ view.
I am just looking at all this, filling out the ‘Work Integrated Learning Agreement – Student owns IP’ (WIL) form and register. I also started the journal.
At this point in time I am not sure WHAT I am supposed to assess as in typo’s or wording but thought I’’d start by checking all links, dates etc. for a start.
The self- placement form I was confused about and ‘In Place’ registration.
I was invited to attend the RMIT art department teachers meeting and got a sense of what worked and what didn’t this last year.
What was difficult this week was that I was feeling overwhelmed with navigating through all the material and what I am actually supposed to be doing. I had planned on doing 1 5 hour day / week from December through to March (or mid February) and had spent this 1st day on the form, registration and navigating through the material.