Im confusing myself with my actual internship weeks and the weeks of the modules. My journal posts refer to the internship and the live document refers to the module for that week. This weekend I mostly worked on Assignment 2 (the internship host profile, my artist bio and CV. I am not really happy with my bibliography and never have been. Any comments / feedback would be welcomed.
I feel my CV is a bit lame (or at least the plethora of un-notable exhibitions) but it is entirely true and shows I have been working constantly at my art career since 2014.
I got to 254 words on the host profile and was concerned I'd never be able to do anywhere near 1000. Yet I thought about it and spoke in my own words and got to about 700. Then went to the beach and thought about more things that were important, most I know from being a student myself. By Sunday morning I had 984 words I was happy with.
I went through week 10 module. The portrait retouching is extremely technical and seemingly convoluted (what? you can't just shoot shoot it?) but very clear and along with the teaching / class I imagine easy to follow and a great resource for me later on. That is actually the win of this internship. All the resources for my work I have been exposed to. I started on week 11 module and and may finish the entire course material sense check by next week.