I found out the reason why my camera home / control screen was not working was because the tiny sensor near the viewfinder was dirty!!!!. So first day after my architecture job finishes for the week, Thursday, I had a very productive shoot. re-shooting some portraits without the cable release (on 10sec timer...yay!) and shooting most of the others I wanted to populate my 'red room'. This is important as it means I am not limited to (the) distance (of the cable release length) and also don't have to clone out the cable release, nor act like I'm not holding it. Today I will spend an intense day compositing.
This time I will be mindful to keep the shadow
I also cropped the very edge of the bed last time, plus no cable release or its shadow in shot as you can see below.
Im hoping to composite these together to look like the 21yr old me is pushing the other on the wooden couch in the room
This is me at probably every decade of my adult life. It was the most fun shot to shoot. Some were blurred due to movement, but I like these two. I'll probably go for the jacket on one. You always need to get a couple of alternatives. Just in case one doesn't composite well. Its also really important to check the edge of frame to see not the minutest thing is cropped off. Unusable if it is.
me at current age
old age me. Its hard to know what I will be doing in 20years. Or wearing, probably the same things. I was going to pretend to be knitting. Hehe. But then I did have some sewing / mending to do.
I have a few more things to shoot, me watching a movie, looking into the refrigerator, at my architecture job WFH desk, and me with my aerosol cans.
I am very happy my self timer is working and I have a lot of images to work with.