It kinda sux. My mic didn't work and I don't know everybody enough by their names. Plus I don't know anybody enough to ask for help. I don't mind this way of watching the tutorials though. I didn't get through the entire content but can access them after I post this. I want to experiment with prime lenses. Up until now, they have been not accessible, financially. I've always wanted a 19mm, or 24mm.
I have so much homework for this and other subjects but I rekkied some locations I will shoot tomorrow morn (and composite me into, later) lodged my proposal, did some multi exposing vids for 'Critically speaking' non-verbal pres I have to start & finish sunday (its a 10min film and haven't used Premiere pro for a while..eeek! thats with 2 shoots beforehand) and started this online journal. Another learning curve. I'd add my proposal, but file's don't seem to be allowable.