I really like these online critiques. You don't have to stand there awkwardly presenting your work. You just have to listen. And it is SOOO interesting, because things you never thought about others pick up in a heartbeat. You have to trust in that process of honesty, somebody looking at your images and voicing 1st impressions, then more articulated observations. Its FREE!! and you won't get this outside of an academic confine.
I didn't understand the word 'Synthesis'. I will chew on that, but this is an initial reflection.
the image I felt least comfortable with was considered the most resolved. I love this way of learning. i made the image, from conception, so who better to pick it apart and ask 'why?'
My favourite was seen as being a bit obvious. Illustrating what I am meaning in a literate sense. I get it. And the reference to my earlier work. I must admit, the fact my supervisor liked my 2nd image, even though it was harking back to my earlier work was kind of addictive. But also, ALL the images use multiple exposure. Most also long. Plus it is a great resource in compositing. What Johanssson calls 'noise' or to interrupt the image. introduce a busy element to hide the edges of the layers. But I still get it. And my compositing, AND performing abilities has improved weekly. Plus I was just finding my way then. This was WEEKS ago!!! I definitely have ideas to reshoot to make it more ambiguous & quieter and will work on the contrast, maybe ditch the room. It is not relevant if I'm not using the seat and may be a better bridge to the 4th image.
I have no problem being challenged on scale and playing with it, was it intentional. I can tell you, years of architecture has taught me to estimate dimensions to 10mm, on looking. I am confident with scale. If something looks off, maybe it was an unusually deep, low seat. Or something else. I am not playing with scale. Except for the 1st image. I am matching it. I will take this argument on board but it needs to be articulated specific to an image and not 'generally'.
Image 5 was the newest and the one I was actually the most scared of making. I work saturday & sunday on an image, friday eve if you consider gathering the potential layers, revisiting it later if needed. I felt sick before this weekend. Sick from worry about the physical & technical. It makes sense it somehow is not all there yet, and may not be before the due date of this assignment. I'm pretty happy I did it, it is actually an image that is technically good and fulfils what I had imagined what I wanted the 5th image to carry. Just it's a new baby, conceived and brought into the world quickly, as an experiment. Some consideration, even if in the break, required. Maybe it will make more sense with the final image. Maybe it won't. It was always going to be a bridge piece. None of the images are supposed to work alone, or not at least better than they work as a chapter in the story.