I am no longer going to talk about my project as personal. I don't want to cheapen it that way. The reason I DID talk about it every meeting (apparently, I wasn't aware, it was only after the last meeting I became so) and in my review as I felt this was not understood. But now I'm good. I need to find another way. So that's easy. It's back to loss, loneliness & isolation generally. Or maybe I don't try to explain it for a while. The entire 'home' thing is gone, but now I know that was only the thing to get me to where I am now. Just like my final undergrad project. Hehe.
'Magic realism' was mentioned (thanks supervisor). These phrases actually give me a touchstone when I stray. I like the idea of doubling the figure on the chair as a kind of freudian 'looking at myself' idea. And colours are definitely important in this room. I will try a different dress to the blue one.
The bed works better in my newer images as it's bigger, but I kind of learned that when trying to composite into the dollhouse. Tiny, weird, stupid. I don't want comical. And I had already worked out a single figure, or 2, works better than crowding the frame. Even if for a final frame of many 'ghosts'.
I need work technically, clearly, but I am happy with the leap I made in a week. I've already started on more research and technical research to make an image believable. After planning (eg, sketches, like I'd done from my dreams) there are 3 simple rules. Same perspective, same light (and shot at same height) and seemless at the borders of where 1 image finishes and the other begins. matching colour, contrast & light and adding photographic defects like DOF, noise and colours. I dont know what this last one means, but I aim to look into it.