TITLE: All I want for Christmas……
Artist Statement
‘All I want for Christmas…’ was conceived whilst searching for meaning on the Queen’s Birthday holiday, yet has been brewing for decades now. What concerns me is the superficiality of the holiday occasions and the meaninglessness of their symbolism.
Creating a perspective by way of deconstructive montage reveals how the holidays signify the exclusivity of a contemporary, mass consumerist society. This has led to these occasions being traumatic and alienating for some.
The work also addresses the notable lack of scholarly attention to the pervasive and deep involvement of public relations in shaping the holidays as noted by Macnamara and Crawford (2013).
The project acknowledges the power of politics and marketing to ‘reposition’ the holidays away from their origins or negative associations. To keep them alive and profitable. My aim is to position them in reality.

Happy New Year

Christmas is Awful
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