It was mentioned I spoke well about my work. Im hoping this wasn't because the guest critic was stumped for something to say. Im not sure if its because Ive essentially had a week off, or the twitter campaign, and instagram (where my art fans are) didnt get much love, or seeing how much others have grown, or that I have had a lot of mental strain navigating my way in a toxic work environment, but I just don't feel very proud of my semesters work. I did think it was important at the time. And one comment reminded me of what Aitken Roshi used to tell me about zen buddhism practice 'a pear doesnt know its ripening', 'drip by drip, the bucket fills up', etc. I forgot to mention this weekend Im looking into printing Christmas and New Year and having them up all around town, now that the time is nigh. At least it will get. my work out there.
The salient points for me record / reflect on are; look into working at shelters, there are some around Flinders St. Community work. Something Ive always been interested in before doing a degree and arch career simultaneously. Thinking about human relations and their social conscience. This struck a nerve with my work situation, HR failing me and perpetuating toxic behaviour. But maybe thats not what that comment meant. Ive bookmarked the Tate 'Relational Aesthetics' link for the weekend. Another word that I want to look into Dialogical.
Lastly, I was heartened by encouragement to find a process - my own way of working. Find a way of making the images match the words. Awesome. I will try in the break.
