So it was brought up in class that the online diary should not include emotion, mental state, etc. I disagree. I have my hard copy visual diary which is my 'immediate' record, ideas, sketches or process and I feel this 'active' digital recording is very pertinent to my work. I want to be able to refer back to it, should the situation arise, in reference to the work and how I was able to absorb a 3rd parties observation in regards to trying to tease the best out of me and my work.
My major concerns were the sheer speed of the project and what I wanted to achieve, quality & quantity wise. In regards to contextualising the work in the proposal I just need to take a step back. Simplify. I can see it. My supervisor can see it. Just tell the rest of the world. And if my supervisor has a problem with a term, phrase, word length, etc, the odds are 50% of humanity will. I feel grateful that I am in an academic environment where I can hone this skill.
Tech (and shooting...the content) concerns may be alleviated by investigating similar methodology with fresh eyes that are focused on the MEANING of the work. 'Culture Jamming' was a new phrase that resonated. The imagery I'm talking about is literally a vomiting up of stuff I've been forced to eat, that I can no longer stomach. And it is not supposed to be pretty. And that was my concern with this technique before.
Deconstructive montage...whatever that means, seems appropriate. I just need to always refer back to my aesthetic beliefs.....don't polarise...don't repel. Harness the energy but engage. Do the best you can. I have a lot to absorb and this week will probably be no making (of work). Just getting the proposal to a coherent & concise 'trailer'. I think that might be a helpful analogy for me.