Well, with everything else impacting my project daily, the one person that I had to press the shutter, since Im performing all 'characters', lighting, composing, props & wardrobe, had a marriage meltdown, but we got through the shoot to gets some great shots and I edited them all day sunday. I'm having problems with focus, but about to watch some youtubes tips on focusing for self-portraits. I was very glad of the RAW workflow vids last week as I think these made a huge difference.

Image 3, me composited, playing a male and female, with a house in my street in the background. Blur, opacity, masking and other techniques used.

As the images were originally meant to be replications of my dreams, I added a white layer to aid the context & subject matter. yet, as the project evolves to be about living in this time (self-isolation), Im not sure. If you see the project in this regard, I think it quite humorous, this image. me, myself and I (being the photographer) inviting you into the house.

I found a house that had no trees in front of it (hard to composite, the more cluttered) and looked exactly like my (dead) grandparents one in Yass, NSW. I had a dream my bed was in their front yard. The bed linen is being fashioned up by me to replicate me & my sisters new bed linen when I was 15. I'll shoot this saturday

Image 8. above and below planning to be composited maybe into the image after, an empty, run down building

Image 9. Im liking how there is an aesthetic that is coming through. I might be able to play with this and image 1 as I have a good half of the images still surreal, but outside and lighter in mood. Yes I know I have the lighting stand in shot. There might be heaps I do to this image. It's just an idea I added to the shoot.

Image 9...above & below to have a male sitting at a desk in between with back to character left of frame. Thanks to a few things this didn't happen and again, will have to play this 'oppressor'. a scary, shady character. 42kg me. whatever. love the moodiness. light works for me

Image 11..the reason I shot the 2 locations I included in my WIP critique. me in a concrete dream / wasteland. Empty, vacant, monochrome. Had problems with all focus this day. almost every shot in 2 locations. It's probably a good thing I'm doing everything myself as at least I'll have full control. I wont be rushed and can experiment.