I love it when you are recommended an artist to look at that you are not aware of.
I already like him…He lives in Minnesota (kinship, I did too, for a year), he is very close to my age, he likes to take pictures and make books and the 1st image I saw, on googling, was almost picture perfect same as one I took of my bed / habitation in Trinidad, Cuba. Except for the depth of field. Which is perfect, as a boyfriend once said to me, you fall in love with someone exactly the same as you, without the flaws.

However, he was recommended to me for his use of colour. So let’s stick to that, shall we?
This image came up with the link to an interview about regrets he had…and I LOVED it. This concerned me as my next planned career (for when I am no longer ambulatory) is ‘art / film / wine critic’. His regrets, coincidentally, are those I often have as a photographer. Thankfully, this one is not one of them.

Monika. Warsaw. 2018 is discussed in this interview with Aaron Schuman about learning from failure.
"A common mistake I make while shooting with sheet film is accidentally double-exposing the film. I did this last year while shooting in Warsaw and ended up loving the result." Look at the colour. bold complimentary saturated greens with scarlet reds. Slashes of yellow. Speckles of blue. "Sometimes imperfections make something even better - which is one of the reasons why I still enjoy shooting on film"
I actually go out of my way to multiple expose digitally. Only because it is more accurate / controlled, the losses are minimised and for these and other reasons, its more environmental. But I still love surprises.

Alec Soth, Kym, Polish Palace, Minneapolis, 2002, from the book Sleeping by the Mississippi, Courtesy the artist and MACK
Soth is considered a documentary photographer. I feel Soth uses colour differently than say, Eggleston in that he finds it in the environment, saturated, alliterated or perfectly balanced and either that is simply the shot, or he places his subject into it.
