I did a final draft of the 2nd letter, reshot the visual component for the Prince letter and a trial portion video for the 2nd letter. I had technical issues with my speedlight not triggering so ended up using the camera flash. I really like the poses and wondering if I can fix the images in post prod. Is the painting not being entirely straight (nor perspective straight on) an issue? I can comp that, if so. I just wish I had proper lighting. I shot 16 images. These are the best 4 and I really like the 2nd & 3rd. I did very little in photoshop so far. I want to do this on my large monitor and as a whole new exercise for the chosen shot(s) next weekend.

This is the 2nd letter.
Here is a link to the trial video for the 2nd letter. https://youtu.be/sUKU3b837i4
Ive noted I need a key light & the colour is balance off (well, because its my regular tungsten lounge room lighting). Do I need a mic too?....maybe a sound kit as you dont want to reply on plugging it into the camera. What about an earpeice so there is no ambient sound off the phone? I wanted to do this and the other parts to this video next weekend so I could edit it up the next - I think this video is a work in itself and will take a few weeks. But that is ok. I finish my architecture contract in 3 weeks so will have all week to work on everything. I feel this was a productive weekend and I feel really focused on just getting the work & ideas out there to finesse later.