I am very happy with this weekends work. I didnt get to writing my 3rd letter, but I got the lighting right on the Prince still.

However I think I will go for a 4th take because I really liked the pose with my left hand on my hip from last week. At least that way I dont no hand. And the lighting on the above could be better. Well, I can fix that in post anyway. I dont mind the reflection of the light in my sunnies.
I shot all the video content for my 2nd letter. It was lots of fun. Just screen shots from each location except the 2nd.

and the link 2nd location full take.
The audio doesnt match as the camera had to be outdoors for one location. But I can work that out. I think. Editing is going to be a process in itself as I have 8 videos of 3-6mins. About 30min of usable footage. I like how the videos link into each other and also other letters (eg, the paintings of Prince and Michael Hutchence on the walls, the WFH station in the background, the stencil art linking to my ties with Anthony Lister. I'm having lots of fun.