I could not have worked more this weekend. Friday night research and planning and buying props, working over breakfast Saturday planning wardrobe and moving furniture to turn my studio apartment into a photography studio. Shoot for 3 images, then go through about 1000 photos from 3 HD's and 2 memory cards to get the backgrounds I need / may be usable. Plus my images shot. Sunday is searching stock image plans & grabbing a few preview ones, then compositing for 8 hours straight.

One thing I would like to note...its hard anyway to portray innocence (B4 the loss of) anyway, without being cheesy. Its even more hard as a middle aged woman. I'd like a better forest. This is the Dandenongs. I will shoot St Kilda Gardens tomorrow. I have found 2 corners that may work.

This is the 3rd image. 'Adoration of Distraction' I have a lot of choice. 10 images for background amount to 90 possibilities if only using 2, 720 if using 3. The fire was an original idea Im not sure about. These two are choices of deciding between the angry twins or the lone one. I know I have to work on shadows, primarily from the Doc Martins and a lot of choice of backgrounds. Blending and layer order (as well as painting out, etc) will be dictated by this.

I feel this above is hitting my sketch brief. There is 3 background layers and I'm thinking I will add 2 more from the image 2 below. the background layers are not saved off in any particular grouping of how they work together, just 2 or 3 each image to show the possibilities.

I really like how this shot of a cold 5a Sunday morning on Barkly St works with blurred lights in the CBD. I think the theatre neon sign above my head is interesting and relevant to the image for what it signifies in the 6 image story progression

or this. It has 4 background images. 3 used in the one I like above. Now I know the 6 backgrounds I like working together, I can play with them Saturday.

This is purely cut ins to decide which colour chair, whether i want 2 figures up top of abyss, or 1, which side the falling figure falls from and whether I need to shoot again for light. Call it a digital sketch. There comes a time, after 8 hours of compositing when you are no longer able to do detailed work, just back of hand, chucking in elements. Finessing the 3 I have and working on this one from scratch is my plan next weekend. As I don't have a shoot planned Saturday, I essentially have 2 entire days to finalise 4 images together for our 2nd review.