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Week 9 - Reflection on Supervisor meeting

We talked about the review presentation. Im confident my work IS political and this is abundantly clear by the nature and context of my...

Review B

STATEMENT ‘All I want for Christmas…’ was conceived whilst searching for meaning on the Queen’s Birthday holiday. What concerns me is the...

Artist Research - Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry is an English contemporary artist, writer and broadcaster. He is known for his ceramic vases, tapestries and cross...

Week 8 - Reflection on Supervisor Meeting

I had no concerns about 'Boxing Day' and my supervisor didn't either. I had 2 images for easter from last week that I would have been...

Week 8 - WIP for Supervisor Meeting

Boxing Day x2 Choices for Easter I tried working on your feedback about Australia Day, finding iconic Indigenous statues and locations....

Jay David Bolter 'Posthumanism'

My intention was to research Donna Haraway and I found a book that interested me titled 'Making Kin Not Population' (2018 Prickly...

Week 7 - Reflection on Supervisor Meeting

We talked about the review A presentation and feedback. Then to the images. I'm not sure about the quality and also the fact the visual...

Week 7 - Reflection on Review A

I understand the difficulties of just showing 2 images. The reviewers (well, Kirsten Lyttle) wanted to now more amount what I use as a...

Week 7 - WIP for Supervisor Meeting

Happy Easter Options Just to show there was a process and many tries - Invasion Day Survival Day - Id love the calendar to flip up -...

Review A

TITLE: All I want for Christmas…… Artist Statement ‘All I want for Christmas…’ was conceived whilst searching for meaning on the Queen’s...

Artist Research - Peter Kennard

Peter Kennard is a London-born and based photomontage artist best known for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in the 1970s–80s...

Katherine Hayles 'How we became Posthuman'

Full title 'How we became posthuman - virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature and informatics'. The book starts with Hayles reporting...

Artist Research - Michael Cook

I can’t believe I’ve left it this long to learn about this artist. I first encountered Cook when I was looking at deconstructive montage...

Week 6 - Reflection on Supervisor Meeting

Last meeting before presentation and (final) submission of review A. No matter how long you have spent on it and how well you think you...

Artist Statement and Images for Review A Supervisor Meeting

TITLE: All I want for Christmas…… Artist Statement ‘All I want for Christmas…’ was conceived whilst searching for meaning on the Queens...

Updated Bibliography

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Braidotti, R 2019. Posthuman knowledge. Cambridge, England; Medford, Massachusetts: Polity. https://primo-direct-apac.hoste...

Artist Research - Martha Rosler

Martha Rosler works in video, photography, text, installation, and performance. She is interested in exploring issues from everyday life...

Week 5 - Reflection on Supervisor Meeting

After talking about possible 3D opportunities I wanted advice on the tools (clone, healing brush & patch). I ended up fixing the image...

Rosi Braidotti 'Posthuman knowledge'

I spent 2 days getting through the intro and 2 or 3 chapters of Braidotti's book and it was difficult to put my understanding into a...

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