Article on Bill Henson
From my member subscription magazine. You can pay on the website to see the exhibition online but I think I'll wait to see it in a...
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From my member subscription magazine. You can pay on the website to see the exhibition online but I think I'll wait to see it in a...
Darken blend looked awesome without doing anything, but I lost my nose, this is darken blend painted out this is looks...
worked on image 5 from shoot to edit & composite, added a bit to image 1 to help make it a bit more ominous and image 4 as i just wasn't...
I wanted to research dream theory, particularly what I thought was a Freudiian theory, that the characters in our dreams are all parts of...
In this series from the late 60s to early 70s, Mikaliov has overlayed two colour slides, creating “sandwiches" - beautifully composed...
In ‘time slice’ crooks took ‘thin slices’ from moving & still images and re-combined them to achieve a conceptually similar but...
My final images. I shot for both. I was told in review to think about whether the room was required and thought about shooting myself in...
Another artist suggested to me at Review B to research was Tracey Emin. I also couldn’t see the relevance of Emin’s work to my projecct,...
I couldn’t really see the relevance of looking at John Baldessari for his use of shape and colour as a way to direct viewer to my work...
Arrogant. That was the word I was looking for. For an artist to refuse talking about the work. I am very happy to talk about my work if...
Project Title: Requiem for a Dream A ‘Requiem’ is an act or token of remembrance for the repose of the souls of the dead. The project has...
Well that's annoying images load up backwards, so I guess we will go backwards. This is using my speed light (without umbrella reflector)...
My supervisor asked what I am I looking to do with my photography in the future. I am looking for it to be my art practice. I feel very...
I still like to collect my ideas both visually and verbally. It helps me collect what I need (props & backgrounds) and gives me a...
I could not have worked more this weekend. Friday night research and planning and buying props, working over breakfast Saturday planning...
The Vanity of Small Differences is a series of six tapestries by Grayson Perry. ‘The title ‘The vanity of small differences' is a...
Phantomwise, references a poem of Lewis Carrol, as does a good chunk of Polixeni Papapetrou’s work. Papapetrou photographs depicts her...
I am trying to think about why one image works and another doesn't, when asked on spec I now try to sum it up in a word and I think it is...
Drawing really helps me. With ideas, composition and (of course) the components you need to shoot. I did a couple of hours linkedIn...
As I am trying to create the surreal landscapes from my dreams for my project, and compositing generally, I am looking at Erik Johansson....